Events & Appointment Booking Platform

Manage appointments, events, and service bookings with ease

LMS Master’s platform lets users find and create events. Its platform helps them plan events, such as event academies, classes and workshops, conferences, endurance, food and drink, music, nonprofits, and fundraisers, performing and visual arts, politics, and reunions.

Appointment system that lets users sell tickets, register online, post events, manage events online, event management, register event for free online, and search offline/online events.

Why us?

Insightful Dashboard

Keep an eye on how your business performs with KPIS

Virtual Events

Engage in creative new ways to run online classes and workshops

Build a community

Grow your community with groups, forums, chats, and courses

Better convertion rate

Features that beat your competitors, attract audiences

Innovation, flexibility, control for appointments & events

For Users
For Admin

Focus on your business, leave the tech to us

0 h
24/7 Monitoring & Support
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Delivery in 10 days*
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Supports over 50,000 users
AWS Support & Maintenance
Skilled Development Team
SaaS Based with Regular Updates
20 Years of Industry Experience

Our Happy Clients

Client's Say

Absolutely amazing team that takes time to understand, research and implement all of your requirements without any issue. It's always great working with someone who has a passion and excitement about a project as much as you do.

- Abirami Balakrishnan (Zing Languages)

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